Namespace History
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function find_original_trade_events(instance: instance): list<(seller_id: byte_array, buyer_id: byte_array, asset_id: byte_array, price: integer, timestamp: integer, block_height: integer, indirect: list<byte_array>)>
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function find_original_trade_events_page(instance: instance, before_rowid: rowid, page_size: integer): (count: integer, events: list<(seller_id: byte_array, buyer_id: byte_array, asset_id: byte_array, price: integer, timestamp: integer, block_height: integer, rowid: rowid, indirect: list<byte_array>)>, last_rowid: gtv)
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function log_buy_event(asset_instance: asset_instance, seller: account, buyer: account, asset: asset, price: integer): trade_event
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